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Agricola: De Re Metallica
Albanov: In the Land of the White Death
Allende: Zorro
All Over the Guy (Movie)
All The Words, Monty Python's Flying Circus
Alsberg: The Polar Express, Chris van Alsberg
Ambrose: Nothing Like It in the World
American Gods, Neil Gaiman
Among the Thugs, Bill Buford
Artifact, Gregory Benford
Art of Getting Bent, The, Mark Sahm
Art of the Table, The, Suzanne von Drachenfels
Asprin: For King and Country, with Evans
Atlas Shrugged Retrospective, Ayn Rand
Auchincloss: Exit Lady Masham
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Baby of Bataan, Joseph Quitman Johnson
Ballew: Degunking Your PC, with Duntemann
Baroque Cycle: see Stephenson
Barry: Big Trouble (book and movie)
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Dai Sijie
Barmaid's Brain, The, Jay Ingram
Bass: PC Annoyances Second Edition
Bass: Half Past Human
Baxter: Evolution
Bear: Darwin's Radio
Beauty and the Geek, Reality TV series
Benford: Artifact
Bennett: 30-Minute Meals For Dummies
Better Homes & Gardens Biggest Book of Slow Cooker Recipes
Biggle: The Light That Never Was
Big Trouble, Dave Barry (book and movie)
Big Trouble In Little China (DVD)
Billion-Dollar Boy, The - The Jupiter Juveniles, Charles Sheffield
Black Hat Physical Device Security, Drew Miller
Body by Jake: I've Seen a Lot of Famous People Naked, Jake Steinfeld
Botany of Desire, The, Michael Pollan
Boiler Room (Movie)
Boys Are Back in Town, The, Christopher Golden
Brainwashing 101, Indie Political Film (DVD)
Brickner: Test Driving Linux
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Helen Fielding
Briggs: Joe Bob Goes Back to the Drive-In
Brin: Kiln People
Brin: The Practice Effect
Brite: Love in Vein
Brooks: True Confessions of a Heartless Girl
Brunner: The Webs of Everywhere
Bryson: The Lost Continent
Buford: Among the Thugs
Bureau and the Mole, The, David A. Vise
Burke: The Pinball Effect
Burns: Horatio's Drive (video)
Burr: Emperor of Scent
Business of Strangers, The (Movie)
Home Top
Cabot: The Princess Present
Calishain: Google Hacks, with Dornfest
Calcutta Chromosome, The, Amitav Ghosh
Calendar Girls (DVD)
Cantor: The Last Knight
Carbon Dreams, Susan Gaines
Cat's Meow, The, DVD (Movie)
Chernin: The Obsession
Clar: Out of the River Mist
Coal, A Human History, Barbara Freese
Chango's Fire, Ernesto Quiñonez
Cherryh: Foreigner
Cod, Mark Kurlansky
Collapse, Jared Diamond
College of Magics, Caroline Stevermer
Companions, The, Sheri Tepper
Con, Reality TV series
Confusion, The, Neal Stephenson
Conspiracy of Paper, A, David Liss
Control of Nature, The - Los Angeles Against the Mountains, John McPhee
Conways: Perl Best Practices
Cookbook: Curves Diet Plan, Gary Heavin
Cookbook: Biggest Book of Slow Cooker Recipes, Better Homes & Gardens
Cookbook: The Working Stiff Cookbook, Bob Sloan
Cookbook: 30-Minute Meals For Dummies, Bev Bennett
Covenant, The, James Michener
Cretaceous Sea, Will Hubbell
Crossfire, Nancy Kress
Crossroads to Cure, Nicola Henriques
Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon
Cyborg from Earth, The - The Jupiter Juveniles, Charles Sheffield
Home Top
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, Kary Mullis
Dancer, Colum McCann
Dark Lady, The, Michael Resnick
Darwin's Radio, Greg Bear
Decision, Allen Drury
Deed of Paksenarrion: see Moon
Degunking Microsoft Office, Wayne & Christina Palaia
Degunking Your PC, Joli Ballew, Jeff Duntemann
Del Rey: The Eleventh Commandment
Dennett: Freedom Evolves
De Re Metallica, Agricola
Diamond: Collapse
Dick: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Disney: Mulan II (DVD)
Moon: Divided Allegiance (Deed of Paksenarrion 2), Elizabeth Moon
Don't Click on the Blue E!, Scott Granneman
Door Into Summer, The, Robert A. Heinlein
Dornfest: Google Hacks, with Calishain
Dragon's Kin, Anne and Todd McCaffrey
Dreaming Jewels, The, Theodore Sturgeon
Drury: Decision
Duntemann: Degunking Your PC, with Ballew
Dyer: MySQL in a Nutshell
Home Top
Eberhart: Why Things Break
Ehrenfeld: Funding Evil
Eleventh Commandment, The, Lester Del Rey
Emperor of Scent, Chandler Burr
Emsley: The 13th Element
Erle: Mapping Hacks, With Gibson, Walsh
Evanovitch: One for the Money
Evanovitch: Two for the Dough
Evanovitch: Three to Get Deadly
Evanovitch: Four to Score
Evanovitch: High Five
Evanovitch: Hot Six
Evanovitch: Seven Up
Evans: For King and Country, with Asprin
Evolution, Stephen Baxter
Excel Annoyances, Curtis Frye
Excel 2003 Personal Trainer, CustomGuide
Exit Lady Masham, Louis Auchincloss
Home Top
Failure Is Not an Option, Gene Kranz
Fairy Godmother, The, Mercedes Lackey
Family Tree, The, Sheri Tepper
Field Guide to Desert Holes, A, Pinau Merlin
Fielding: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Firefox Hacks, Nigel McFarlane
Firefox Secrets, Cheah Chu Yeow
Flawless (Movie)
Flint: Grantville Gazette
Fluke, Christopher Moore
Foreigner, C.J. Cherryh
For King and Country, Robert Asprin, Linda Evans
For Us, the Living, Robert A. Heinlein
Four to Score, Janet Evanovitch
Foy: Learning Perl, with Schwartz, Phoenix
Frederick Forsythe's Icon (Movie adaptation)
Freedom Evolves, Daniel Dennett
Free Money, Matthew Lesko
Freese: Coal, A Human History
Frye: Excel Annoyances
Funding Evil, Rachel Ehrenfeld
Home Top
Gaiman: American Gods
Gaines: Carbon Dreams
Getting Even, Getting Revenge, George Hayduke
Ghosh: The Calcutta Chromosome
Gibson: Mapping Hacks, with Erle, Walsh
Gibson: Pattern Recognition
Giguere: Make Easy Money with Google
Gilman: Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress
Goddess of Sumer, The, Jenna Smith
Golden: The Boys Are Back in Town
Goodbye Vietnam, Robert W. Wood
Google Hacks, Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest
Gralla: Internet Annoyances
Gralla: PC Pest Control
Granneman: Don't Click on the Blue E!
Grantville Gazette, (ed.) Eric Flint
Grass, Sheri Tepper
Greenfield: A Perfect Red
Gunpowder Empire, Harry Turtledove
Gun, With Occasional Music, Jonathan Lethem
Home Top
Haddon: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Half Past Human, T.J. Bass
Harvey: The Island of Lost Maps
Hayduke: Getting Even, Getting Revenge
Heavin: Curves Diet Plan (and cookbook)
Heinlein: The Door Into Summer
Heinlein: For Us, the Living
Heinlein: Starship Troopers (Movie)
Henriques: Crossroads to Cure
Heroics for Beginners, John Moore
High Five, Janet Evanovitch
Higher Education - The Jupiter Juveniles, Charles Sheffield, Larry Niven
Hogan: Kicking the Sacred Cow
Home Networking Annoyances, Kathy Ivens
Honor Harrington: see Weber
Horatio's Drive, Ken Burns (video)
Hot Six, Janet Evanovitch
Hot Zone, The, Richard Preston
Hubbell: Cretaceous Sea
Hubbell: Sea of Time
Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress, Susan Jane Gilman
Home Top
Ingram: The Barmaid's Brain
Inside the Spam Cartel, SpammerX
Internet Annoyances, Preston Gralla
In the Land of the White Death, Valerian Albanov
Island of Lost Maps, The, Miles Harvey
It Takes A Thief (TV show)
Ivens: Home Networking Annoyances
I've Seen a Lot of Famous People Naked, "Body by Jake" Steinfeld
Home Top
Jackpot, Tsipi Keller
Joe Bob Goes Back to the Drive-In, Joe Bob Briggs
Johnson: Baby of Bataan
Jones: The Syndrome Rule
Home Top
Keller: Jackpot
Kicking the Sacred Cow, James P. Hogan
Kiln People, David Brin
Kingsbury: Psychohistorical Crisis
Kiss & Tango, Marina Palmer
Kitchen Confidential (TV series)
Kranz: Failure Is Not an Option
Kress: Crossfire
Kurlansky: Cod
Kurlansky: Salt
Home Top
Lackey: The Fairy Godmother
Land: The Spam Letters
La Place de la Concorde Suisse, John McPhee
Last Knight, The, Norman F. Cantor
Learning Perl, Randall L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix and brian d foy
Legman: The New Limerick
Lesko: Free Money
Lethem: Gun, With Occasional Music
Light That Never Was, The, Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
Liss: A Conspiracy of Paper
Little Fuzzy, H. Beam Piper
Looking for a Ship, John McPhee
The Long Walk, Slavomir Rawicz
Los Angeles Against the Mountains (from The Control of Nature), John McPhee
Lost Continent, The, Bill Bryson
Love in Vein, Poppy Z. Brite
Home Top
MacKenzie: Orbiting the Giant Hairball
MacLean: Young Men and Fire
Maguire: Wicked (book)
Make Easy Money with Google, Eric Giguere
Man With Three Wives, The (TV Movie)
Mapping Hacks, Schuyler Erle, Rich Gibson, Jo Walsh
McCaffrey: Dragon's Kin
McCann: Dancer
McConnell: Science, Sex, and Sacred Cows, Wormrunner's Digest (collection)
McConnell: Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown, Wormrunner's Digest (collection)
McFarlane: Firefox Hacks
McPhee: The Control of Nature - Los Angeles Against the Mountains
McPhee: La Place de la Concorde Suisse
McPhee: Looking for a Ship
Merlin: A Field Guide to Desert Holes
Michener: The Covenant
Miller: Black Hat Physical Device Security
Mr Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders, Lawrence Wechsler
Monty Python's Flying Circus: All The Words
Moon: Deed of Paksenarrion 1: Sheepfarmer's Daughter
Moon: Deed of Paksenarrion 2: Divided Allegiance
Moon: Deed of Paksenarrion 3: Oath of Gold
Moore: Fluke
Moore: Heroics for Beginners
Moore: The Unhandsome Prince
Mulan II, Disney (DVD)
Mullis: Dancing Naked in the Mind Field
MySQL in a Nutshell, Russel J.T. Dyer
Myst, Cyan Worlds computer game
Home Top
New Limerick, The, G. Legman
Ninth Gate, The (Movie)
Niven: Higher Education - The Jupiter Juveniles, with Charles Sheffield
Nothing Like It in the World, Stephen Ambrose
Home Top
Oath of Gold (Deed of Paksenarrion 3), Elizabeth Moon
Obsession, The, Kim Chernin
Office 2004 for Macintosh, Mark H. Walker, Franklin Tessler
On Basilisk Station (Honor Harrington 1), David Weber
One for the Money, Janet Evanovitch
Orbiting the Giant Hairball, Gordon MacKenzie
Out of the River Mist, C. Raymond Clar
Home Top
Palaia: Degunking Microsoft Office
Pallas, L. Neil Smith
Palmer: Kiss & Tango
Park: Voodoo Science
Pattern Recognition, William Gibson
Passage, Connie Willis
PC Annoyances Second Edition, Steve Bass
PC Pest Control, Preston Gralla
Perfect Red, A, Amy Butler Greenfield
Perl Best Practices, Damian Conways
Petroski: To Engineer Is Human
Phoenix: Learning Perl, with Schwartz, foy
Pinball Effect, The, James Burke
Pinker: Words and Rules
Piper: Little Fuzzy
Pirate Coast, The, Richard Zachs
Polar Express, The, Chris van Alsberg-book, Movie
Pollan: The Botany of Desire
Practice Effect, The, David Brin
Predator's Gold, Phillip Reeve
Preston: The Hot Zone
Primal Fear (Movie)
Princess Present, The, Meg Cabot
Psychohistorical Crisis, Donald Kingsbury
Putting Up Roots - The Jupiter Juveniles, Charles Sheffield
Home Top
Quicksilver, Neal Stephenson
Quiet Man, The, (Classic movie)
Quiñonez: Chango's Fire
Home Top
Raising the Stones, Sheri Tepper
Rand: Atlas Shrugged Retrospective
Rawicz: The Long Walk
Reeve: Predator's Gold
Resnick: The Dark Lady
Ringo: There Will Be Dragons
Ripley's Game (Movie)
Riverworld, SFC Original Movie (TV movie)
Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day, Joe Scarborough
Home Top
Sahm: The Art of Getting Bent
Salt, Mark Kurlansky
Scarborough: Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day
Schwartz: Learning Perl, with Phoenix, foy
Sea of Time, Will Hubbell
Secret of My Succe$s, The (Movie)
Secrets of the Widow's Son, David Shugarts
Seven Up, Janet Evanovitch
Science, Sex, and Sacred Cows, James V. McConnell, ed. Wormrunner's Digest
Shaw: Slow Glass
Sheepfarmer's Daughter (Deed of Paksenarrion 1), Elizabeth Moon
Sheffield: The Jupiter Juveniles
Shugarts: Secrets of the Widow's Son
Shute: Trustee from the Toolroom
Sideris: Surviving PC Disasters, Mishaps and Blunders, with Torres
Sijie: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Singer from the Sea, The, Sheri Tepper
Slipstream, SFC Original Movie (TV movie)
Sloan: The Working Stiff Cookbook
Slow Glass, Bob Shaw
Smith: The Goddess of Sumer
Smith: Pallas
Solaris (Movie)
Spam Letters, The, Jonathan Land
SpammerX: Inside the Spam Cartel
Spencer: Tinker
Standage: The Victorian Internet
Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein (Movie and book)
Steinfeld: I've Seen a Lot of Famous People Naked
Stephanie Plum: see Evanovitch
Stephenson: Cryptonomicon
Stephenson: Quicksilver
Stephenson: The Confusion
Stephenson: The System of the World
Stevermer: College of Magics
Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown, James V. McConnell, ed. Wormrunner's Digest
Sturgeon: The Dreaming Jewels
Surviving PC Disasters, Mishaps and Blunders, Jesse M. Torres. Peter Sideris
Syndrome Rule, The, Chris Jones
System of the World, The, Neal Stephenson
Home Top
Tepper: Grass
Tepper: The Companions
Tepper: The Family Tree
Tepper: Raising the Stones
Tepper: The Singer from the Sea
Tessler: Office 2004 for Macintosh, with Walker
Test Driving Linux, David Brickner
There Will Be Dragons, John Ringo
13th Element, The, John Emsley
30-Minute Meals For Dummies, Bev Bennett
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The, Philip K. Dick
Three to Get Deadly, Janet Evanovitch
Time, Love, Memory, Jonathan Weiner
Tinker, Wen Spencer
To Engineer Is Human, Henry Petroski
Torres: Surviving PC Disasters, Mishaps and Blunders, with Sideris
To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis
Train, The, DVD (Classic movie)
Tripping the Rift (TV series)
True Confessions of a Heartless Girl, Martha Brooks
Trustee from the Toolroom, Nevil Shute
Turtledove: Gunpowder Empire
Two for the Dough, Janet Evanovitch
Home Top
Unhandsome Prince, The, John Moore
Home Top
van Alsberg: Polar Express, The
Victorian Internet, The, Tom Standage
Videohound's Golden Movie Retriever, The
Vise: The Bureau and the Mole
von Drachenfels: The Art of the Table
Voodoo Science, Robert L. Park
Home Top
Walker: Office 2004 for Macintosh, with Tessler
Walsh: Mapping Hacks, with Erle, Gibson
Weber: On Basilisk Station (Honor Harrington 1)
Webs of Everywhere, The, John Brunner
Wechsler: Mr Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders
Weeds of God, The, Robert W. Wood
Weiner: Time, Love, Memory
Why Things Break, MarkEberhart
Wicked (book), Gregory Maguire
Willis: Passage
Willis: To Say Nothing of the Dog
Wire In the Blood, BBC America (TV series)
Wood: Goodbye Vietnam
Wood: The Weeds of God
Words and Rules, Steven Pinker
The Working Stiff Cookbook, Bob Sloan
Wormrunner's Digest collections: see McConnell
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Yeow: Firefox Secrets
Young Men and Fire
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Zachs: The Pirate Coast
Zorro, Isabel Allende
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Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886) was an American poet who, despite the fact that less than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems were published during her lifetime, is largely considered one of the most original and influential poets of the 19th century. What is known today about Dickinson's personal life has largely been taken from hundreds of letters that she wrote to family and acquaintances as well as (sometimes biased) impressions about her character that were written in the diaries and journals of those close to her. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts to a successful family that had strong ties to the community, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. sportsbook, Well educated, she was schooled at the Amherst Academy for seven years before spending a truncated amount of time at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. After leaving school, she rarely traveled outside of Amherst or very far from her family's home, which was called the Homestead. During this time, Dickinson became a prolific private poet, choosing to publish only a handful of her poems, all of which were greatly altered to fit the more conventional poetic rules of the time. Dickinson's poetry is lyrically unique for the time period; her lines are short, typically lack titles, and often utilize slant rhyme and unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Her poems also tend to deal with the themes of death and immortality, two subject matters that plagued her personal letters to friends.
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